Picking the wrong image format, or using too-large images, can hurt your site's performance significantly.
Laravel's queue implementation can be very helpful for improving performance, but it's easy to miss many good use cases
Transactions are intended primarily to improve data integrity, but they can also improve performance when used appropriately
Relational databases are a good fit for most use cases, but there are some gotchas to be aware of when using them.
You'll often hear misleading claims that using an ORM makes for slower database queries. This is actually due to naive usage.
Out of the box, Laravel supports a simple method of adding appropriate caching headers to HTTP responses to prevent unnecessary HTTP requests.
If you're using Apache as your web server, the htaccess file can be a significant performance bottleneck, and often an unnecessary one.
Performance benchmarks may seem a useful guide when picking a framework to develop your application in, but they need to be taken with a pinch of salt.
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